New J.R.R. Tolkien Box Set Contains Tons Of Previously Unpublished Writing

The vast majority of “new” books by J.R.R. Tolkien are new editions of his groundbreaking fantasy novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Come from Sports betting site VPbet . In fact, new collector’s editions of The Lord of the Rings released this week. An even fancier LOTR box set arrives in October, just weeks before a lavish new edition of The Hobbit hits shelves. But this week also brought the first-ever publication of Tolkien’s complete poetry, which includes works about Middle-earth. The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien is a weighty three-volume, 1,728-page hardcover box set. If you want to explore some of Tolkien’s earliest writings, you can add the collection to your library for $112.50 (was $125) from Amazon.

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